Jim Ward's Ancestors

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
7151 Q2, Vol 2b, p21. Eliza Moore Ward, age 30. Source: FreeBMD. England & Wales, FreeBMD Marriage Index: 1837-1915 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006. WARD, Eliza Moore (I9643)
7152 Q2, Vol 2b, p36. William Hillman to Eliza Moore Ward. Source: FreeBMD. England & Wales, FreeBMD Marriage Index: 1837-1915 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006. Family: HILLMAN, William / WARD, Eliza Moore (F2542)
7153 Q2, Vol 9c, p 1751 Family: RANDS, Eric Norman / COCKING, Bessie Mary (F2525)
7154 Q3 1862 FreeBMD Index, ancestry.com. From Anne Brogden Farrer in her Tree, sent Nov 2011. BROGDEN, Thomas John Harrowsmith (I9367)
7155 Q3 Ecclesall Bierlow, V 9c, p 237 Free BMD index. Originally from The Doctor's Who's Who, 1906. COCKING, William Tusting (I8725)
7156 Q3 FreeBMD, Battle Sussex, Joseph Andrew Ward marriage to poss Katherine Bryant or Lucy Jane Jempson. Jan 2012. WARD, Joseph A. (I9649)
7157 Q3 FreeBMD, Hastings, Joseph Andrew Ward. WARD, Joseph A. (I9649)
7158 Q3 on FreeBMD. From Marney Stephenson, (250-951-9988), mimars@telus.net, in Parksville, BC. Feb 2011 email. COCKING, Elizabeth (I687)
7159 Q3 Sheffield Death Index, Ancestry.com. June 2011. Also from transcription in Lincolnshire FHS Mar 1999 (Vol 10 No 1): Compiler Rev. Thomas Cocking, dated 21 Dec. 1864. COCKING, William (I8687)
7160 Q3 Spalding District, Lincs, Vol 7a, p648, FreeBMD Index, Ancestry.com. From Anne Brogden Farrer in her Tree, sent Nov 2011. Family: BROGDEN, Thomas John Harrowsmith / PRICE, Annie Burman (F2464)
7161 Q3, Albert Alfred Ward, Sussex, Hastings, V2b, p31. FreeBMD. Jan 2012. WARD, Albert A. (I9650)
7162 Q3, V 9c, p 2209. Family: COCKING, Raymond Sanderson / COOK, Evelyn M. (F2526)
7163 Q3, V4a, Ann Whitebread Munton on index. Mar 2012. WARD, Ann Whitehand (I9900)
7164 Q4 1838, Louth, V14, p434. SNOWBALL, William (I6923)
7165 Q4 on BMD index. Spilsby. Mar 2011. COCKING, Elizabeth (I687)
7166 Q4 Riegate, Surrey, V2a, p475. Family: EDE, Ernest "Dapper" / DAVIS, Winifred Emily (F1590)
7167 Q4, 1846 BMD Index, Louth Dist. Also exact date from Miller tree of user millersdaughter on Ancestry.com. July 2011. COCKING, Mary Jane Dyas (I8851)
7168 Q4, age 56 [1887], possible person, although there are many Sidney W. Ward's around. Mar 2012. WARD, Sidney Wright (I10138)
7169 Q4, Lincoln, v 7a, p306. ELSE, Christiana (I9401)
7170 Q4, V 2c, p623, age 76. COCKING, Arthur Ernest (I8305)
7171 Q4, V7a, p1075. from user Pamela_Newell on Newell Tree at Ancestry.com. June 2011. Family: BROGDEN, John Ellet / COCKING, Harriet (F2290)
7172 Q4, V9c, p273, Mary Anne Cocking to George Pennibgton. Originally from "Family Register" of a Cocking Family; from transcription in Lincolnshire FHS Mar 1999 (Vol 10 No 1): Compiler Rev. Thomas Cocking, dated 21 Dec. 1864. Family: PENNINGTON, George / COCKING, Mary Ann (F2282)
7173 Q4. MILGATE, Sergent Major Edward (I10141)
7174 question on year. VAUGHAN, James A. (I3413)
7175 R. S. Vessey Biography

This biography is from "Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated
compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography,
including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and
representative citizens of South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle &
Co., Chicago, 1899. Pages 595-596

Scan, OCR and editing by Maurice Krueger,mkrueger@iw.net, 1998.

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R. S. VESSEY. Few men are more prominent or more widely known in the
enterprising village of Wessington Springs, South Dakota, than R. S.
Vessey, the junior member of the mercantile firm of Albert & Vessey. He
is a prominent factor in business circles and his popularity is well
deserved. as in him are embraced the characteristics of an unbending
integrity, unabated energy and industry that never flags.

Mr. Vessey is a native of Wisconsin, born on a farm in Winnebago
county, in 1858, and is a son of Charles and Jane Vessey, natives of
England and Ireland, respectively. The father was engaged in business
in Liverpool up to the time of his emigration to America. The mother
was reared on the Isle of Man, and about 1850 came to America with her
parents to locate at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Her father, who was a minister
of the Methodist Episcopal church, took an active part in the early
revolution in Ireland.

The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm four miles from
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and attended the common schools of the locality
until thirteen years of age, after which he was a student in a
commercial college at Oshkosh. Leaving home at the age of sixteen years
he went to the pineries of Northern Wisconsin. After attaining his
majority he spent a year in Texas, Kansas and other southern states,
and then returned to the pineries of Wisconsin, being employed as
foreman of a camp during the last year he was there. In 1882, he
married Miss Florence Albert, who was born near Oshkosh, in 1861, her
father being engaged in the lumber business at that place.

In 1883, Mr. Vessey came to Jerauld county, South Dakota, and located
in Pleasant township before it was surveyed, living in a claim shanty
there for two months, or until a house could be built. That year he put
up two hundred and eighty feet of sod wall. The only thing that then
marked the site of Wessington Springs was a pile of lumber where his
store now stands. He embarked in the sheep business and continued to
reside upon his farm until his wife's failing health compelled him to
remove to the village of Wessington Springs. As a member of the firm of
Vessey Brothers, Ransom & Company, he was interested
in the general store in the Hansel building, now occupied by Jewel &
Shaefer. In 1885 the firm built a corner store on lot 1, block 12, and
two years later Albert & Vessey succeeded to the business. Under the
present style business has since been conducted. In 1888 their
buildings and nearly all of the stock was destroyed by fire, after
which they were located temporarily in the east end of town, and in
1891 moved to their present location, where they have a good store
building 24 x 80 feet. The first store occupied by the firm was only 16
x 30 feet, but as their trade has gradually increased they have been
forced to enlarge their stock, and now have the largest store in
Wessington Springs. They also do the largest amount of business in the
place, having by fair and honorable dealing gained the confidence and
support of the entire community. Mr. Vessey still owns the farm taken
up from the government in early days, but disposed of his sheep
business in 1888. He is, however, interested in the cattle business as
a member of the R. S. Vessey Cattle Company, which during the summer
expects to handle four hundred head of cattle. They have a pasture
covering two thousand two hundred acres, the largest in the county. Our
subject was also one of the three incorporators of the Dakota Southern
Telephone Company. He is public-spirited and thoroughly interested in
whatever tends to promote the moral, social and material welfare of his
town and county. As a Republican, he takes an active part in politics
and was a member of the last territorial convention of his party.
Religiously, he holds membership in the Methodist Episcopal church. 
VESSEY, Robert Scadden (I8256)
7176 Ralphvaughan.com site Feb 2012. VAUGHAN, Ralph Chipman (I3457)
7177 Ralphvaughan.com site Feb 2012. PORTER, Audrey Viola (I3463)
7178 Ralphvaughan.com site Feb 2012. PORTER, Audrey Viola (I3463)
7179 reads "widow of Robert, 59 y." From Rootsweb site 'Twelve Generations' of Libby Baker. Oct 2011. LAWRENCE, Hannah (I9228)
7180 Received Patent for this land in an Order in Council, originally dated from 26 Feb., 1819. CHEAVIN, William Sr. (I91)
7181 Record at church indicates her surname as Cheavin. It was a double marriage with the couple Wm. Cheavin & Mary Kierans. Family: CHRISTNER, Solomon McKenzie / CHEAVIN, Elizabeth (F1659)
7182 Records of the Church of Christ at Cambridge in New England, 1632-1830, published 1906. marriage performed by Nath' Appleton. Sept 2011. Family: LARKIN, Deacon Samuel / HICKS, Mary (F2351)
7183 Refers to himself as William Cheavin (no 's'). CHEAVIN, William Sr. (I91)
7184 reg # 9167-05 Family: COUGHLIN, Frederick / TRUEMAN, Malvina Teresa (F1425)
7185 reg # 9779-18 Family: TRUEMAN, Oscar Dolson / CLARK, Sarah (F1426)
7186 reg #16525-1920, electrocution on a hydro wire. TRUEMAN, Oscar Dolson (I5170)
7187 reg #2995-20. have not looked at yet. from site http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~maryc/mytruemans.htm . Jan 2012. Family: JOHNSTON, John / TRUEMAN, Sarah Ann (F2532)
7188 reg #5167-73. Married: 30 JUN 1873 in Artemesia Township, Grey County, Ontario. Event: Witnesses 30 JUN 1873, in Robert Akitt; Melinda Fike. Event: Minister in Rev. Alfred Russell by Banns. Family: ADAIR, Robert Thomas / HOLLEY, Mary Elizabeth (F429)
7189 reg #6033-20. of Myocardial Degeneration. TRUEMAN, George (I1669)
7190 registration #3584-1924. this record shows Adam Holley was born at "Humber" [which is also the area around Weston]. HOLLEY, Mary Ann (I1660)
7191 Registration 20 AUG 1920. From web site of M. Hornsby (hornsby@shaw.ca) in 2007. old web site on Ancestry.com. Feb 2011. ADAIR, Myrtle Marion Jean (I7637)
7192 related to Sir Isaac BROCK HOPPS, James John (I1665)
7193 remembers having to choose whom to live with when his parents divorced. He and Harry went with their father, while June and the others stayed with their mother. WARD, Benjamin Franklin "Frank" (I3)
7194 reported drowned VAUGHAN, George (I3036)
7195 researcher - Ted Marr tedmarr@hk.net "Ted Marr's MARR KILLEN YOUNG GRAY WILSON TURNER STEWART Family History" HOLLEY, Edith Catherine (I2503)
7196 Rev. Arthur Wilmot Ackerman writes : "His father, Dr. Robert Calder of Scotch Descent and a surgeon in the Royal Navy (see Locke Genealogy, p 45) was one of four brothers." From book "Major William Calder of Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1735-1802". Boston, Mass.: T. Groom, edited by H.C. Durrell, 1933. on Ancestry.com. Oct 2011. CALDER, Dr. Robert (I9227)
7197 Richard Cocking, son of William, marriage to Mary West, daughter of Edward. Source: http://mi.lincolnshiremarriages.org.uk/louthRD.xls. [have assumed this is same person] Nov 2011 Family: COCKING, Richard / WEST, Mary (F2037)
7198 Richard Ward, Bachelor, marriege to Elizabeth Bruce [on image it looks like Brace], Spinster. Both of this Parish. She signed her name, while Richard was his X Mark. SEAX Archives online. Apr 2012. Originally from LDS IGI digital folder # 4298749, image 693, film 1526934, indexing proj I02916-7. Jan 2012. Family: WARD, Richard / BRUCE \ BRACE, Elizabeth (F22)
7199 Richard was church warden in 1572-74, 1579, 1584, 1588, and 1600. From site. [http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~colby/colbyfam/b406.html], "COLBY FAMILY & OTHERS" by owner Ronald M. Colby. Mar 2011. JACKSON, Richard (I8425)
7200 Roberet Smith and Helen Baxter, both in this parish Proclaimed 16th and 23rd & 30th May 1841. Scotlandspeople Feb 2013. Family: SMITH, Robert / BAXTER, Helen (F2789)

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